We're on a monster-riffic roll with our Party Monster party and really, who would want to leave this party without an adorable Monster pet? We came up with this super fun party craft that kids can take home as a parting gift or part of their loot bag. This craft is great for ages 3 and up, but we recommend adult supervision for kids under 8 - especially when using the hot glue gun.
* 5/8" wide strips of foam sheets in various colours, at least 8" in length
* Pompoms in various sizes and colours
* Small googly eyes
* Velcro tape
* Glue gun
* Scissors
Glue any selection of pompoms onto the center of the bracelet with your glue gun. We loved doing a single large monster, medium sized triplets, and a mommy and baby monster duo!
Glue googly eyes and noses onto the pompoms. We have a couple of suggested combinations below:
Trim down the foam strip to fit the child's wrist, leaving about 1" overlapping to create a closure. Cut 0.5" length of velcro tape and glue to each end of the bracelet.
Send the kids home with their new Fuzzy Monster pet!
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